Archive for the ‘Debt Management’ Category

Financial Calamity to Likely Occur This Fall

Wednesday, September 28th, 2016

Alan Greenspan Warns That Venezuelan Style Martial Law Will Soon Come to the U.S.A

Wednesday, June 8th, 2016


Monday, May 30th, 2016

Bond markets going down, and the stock market will follow. The next several months is going to be painful for the markets. Prepare your portfolio.

Adam McKay Explains Pop Culture Cameos In ‘The Big Short’

Tuesday, May 3rd, 2016

Jim Rogers — It’s Time to Prepare for Economic Downslide

Saturday, April 9th, 2016

Why has the American economy been suffering, since the Vietnam war in the 1970’s.

The answer is simple WAR and rampant government corruption. Someone in the American government loves war, and has been in constant warfare since the 1970’s, wasting trillions of taxpayers dollars making the U.S.A broke (Read up on collapse of Roman Empire).

As of today the U.S government has a federal debt of 18 trillion dollars, so much debt that they have no other way to pay it back.

Is A Financial Crisis Being Covered Up? Mike Maloney – Warning

Friday, February 26th, 2016

A lot of data is suggesting that a financial collapse is around the corner.

High Yield Debt Tells Us That Just About EVERYTHING Is About To Collapse

Monday, February 15th, 2016

Did you know that there are more than 1.8 trillion dollars worth of junk bonds outstanding in the United States alone?

As high yield (junk) bonds blow up, everything else will follow. Please have a read of the article below:

America’s Next Generation is Pretty Much Screwed – Millennials Savings Rate

Wednesday, December 16th, 2015

Despite the propaganda mainstream media of the United States telling its citizens that the economy is okay and everything will be fine, the truth about the U.S economy is much much worse than what they are portraying.

There are over 30% of the population that is out of work and stop looking for work. To put that into numbers that is roughly 90 million people out of work. Any new jobs created are not high quality jobs , they are low pay service jobs and those are not the jobs that millennials went to expensive college / school for.

Economist on Impending Financial Crisis, WWIII and Dead Bankers

Tuesday, October 13th, 2015

Very interesting information on the geo-politics of the world, and the U.S.A economy and banking sector.

Economic Slump Is Upon The World

Friday, September 18th, 2015

Rest assured that this recent economic slow has little to do with China. China is just a part of the slowing demand for goods happening around the world. Of course, China’s economic output is going to slow because the Western world are over their head in debt. Why are they in debt, because the Western governments (U.S, Europe) have mismanaged tax dollars that citizens pay.

Don’t Blame China for Global Market Turmoil — It’s the Fed’s Fault

Wednesday, September 16th, 2015

A over the place in the western world, but especially in America and Canada the news has been bashing China and blaming China for the stock market crash. The truth is much different from what the mainstream news media is trying to force down and propagandize to the people of the world.